Tami Clayton

This spring has been the season for tagging and nominations from fellow bloggers. It’s such an honor to be noticed and acknowledged! I feel like I’ve been temporarily crowned Queen of the Playground while getting to hold the esteemed golden statue of Kermit the Frog. Or something equally awesome like that. So thank you to everyone who stops by to read my ramblings, sits down in the kasbah for a chat and thinks enough of my blog to tag and nominate me.

As I’ve been running around the playground of the blogosphere, I’ve been meeting some wonderful people, people like my blogging friend, Alina Sayre, who has tagged me in a book-themed interview. Now that I’m “it”, I must answer some book-related questions about myself and then run off to tag other bloggers. Here are the rules:

1. Post the rules.

2. Answer the questions.

3. Pass the questions on to eleven people by…

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